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Keeping well this winter
The winter weather seems to have set in, and cold and flu season is upon us. With COVID still making the rounds, it is so important to keep on top of our health and wellbeing.
The winter weather seems to have set in, and cold and flu season is upon us. With COVID still making the rounds, it is so important to keep on top of our health and wellbeing.
Our team of General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners and Nurses are here to help you when you need it. The winter season means that we are very busy and patient demand is high, so we want to ensure we have time to see the patients that need us most.
The winter bugs have been hitting our team too, so please bear with us if we are dealing with any staff shortages due to sickness. We appreciate your understanding.
Keeping well
The best approach to winter is keeping well and avoiding bugs in the first place. While COVID and many other bugs are still going around, it’s important to remember to:
Stay home if you are sick, and avoid being around other people
Cover your coughs and sneezes - try using your elbow
General hygiene - remember to wash your hands often, for 20 seconds and dry well
Wear a mask when out and about
Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently
Don’t share cups and cutlery.
If you have COVID or flu-like symptoms, take a test. RAT tests are free and can be collected from a number of locations. Find your nearest available collection site here.
When you need to see us
If you have COVID or flu-like symptoms, you can still be seen if needed – we simply ask that you let us know about any symptoms you have (cough, fever, chills, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, body aches, headaches, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or tiredness) so we can see you in a way that keeps everyone most safe.
Seek immediate help if you are suffering from any of the following:
Difficult or painful breathing
Chest pain
Stiff neck
Severe shaking, rigors
Rash with purple or red spots or bruises
Bluish lips or tongue
Coughing up blood
Clammy skin
Feeling faint or passing out
Not urinating or dark coloured pee
Confusion or difficulty waking.
Please call us for advice if you:
Are not getting better
Are pregnant
Have diabetes or a health condition affecting your breathing, heart, or immune system
Are aged 65 or older
Have a sore throat and are Māori or Pasifika aged 3 – 35 years
Are concerned or not sure what to do.
Health Navigator has more information about coughs, colds, flu and COVID-19 which you can find here.
You may be able to look after yourself or your whānau at home as most colds and flu-like symptoms can be managed with rest and a little care at home.
Rest at home, so you don’t spread germs and bugs
Drink plenty of water (try warm lemon and honey drinks to soothe the throat and avoid dehydration)
If you have a sore throat, try gargling salt water; suck a teaspoon of honey; get some throat-spray or lozenges
If you have a blocked or runny nose, talk to your pharmacist about decongestants or nasal sprays
For a cough, try sipping a lemon and honey drink, suck on lozenges, or try cough medicine (cough medicine doesn’t cure a cold, but it can help with relief)
For aches and pains, try paracetamol OR cold and flu tablets – be sure to check the ingredients and speak to your pharmacist for advice around what is safe for you.
We appreciate your understanding through these winter months.