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We often hear about carbohydrates, commonly referred to as ‘Carbs’ when referring to diets and food.

What exactly are carbs, are they good or bad for us, and what do they mean?

Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients along with fats and protein. Carbs come in three different forms: sugar, starch (from vegetables and grains) and fibre (fruit, vegetables and whole grains).

Carbs are important for the body because they are a key energy source. As carbs are digested, they’re broken down into glucose which can either be used immediately to fuel activity, or stored for later when it is needed.

Carbs can be found in a wide variety of different foods, including:

· Potatoes

· Rice

· Kumara

· Bread

· Pasta

· Cereals

· Nuts

· Milk

To find out more about carbohydrates, their different forms and how to include them as part of a healthy diet, click here.

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