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Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction

Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction to an allergen, typically caused by food, insect venom, or medicine.

Symptoms usually come on quickly (it can take seconds to minutes following exposure) and the most serious ones make breathing difficult and affect circulation, often leading to dizziness, collapse, and unconsciousness.

A person experiencing anaphylaxis requires immediate treatment and medical attention. People should lie down to avoid falling, while any physical issues (e.g., bee stings or food) should be removed or taken away. Adrenaline should be administered via an autoinjector such as EpiPen if available, and emergency services called.

To read more about anaphylaxis including common causes, and what to do if you or someone around you experiences it, click here.

Mt Smart Medical Centre, caring for your family's health

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